Santa Rosa, CA
One Sunday afternoon, September 29, 1929, formal steps were taken to make the Phi Delta Club of Santa Rosa an accredited chapter of the National Sorority of Omega Nu by visiting members who came here from San Francisco, Oakland, and other Bay Area Region Chapters.
The Phi Delta Club, one of the oldest social clubs in Santa Rosa, had been started in 1920 by a group of Santa Rosa High School girls who banded together in friendship to do charity work and enjoy social activities. The same ideals were carried on after the club became affiliated with Omega Nu Sorority. The Omega Nu Sorority dates back to 1898 when chapters were started in California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.
Today the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Omega Nu continues the caring and generous traditions of coming together to raise funds for local charities while enjoying the friendships developed thorough this charitable work!