Sonora, CA
Sonora’s Alpha Iota Chapter has been a vital part of the community, as both a charitable and social organization, since its founding in 1939. From sewing diapers to food baskets to fashion shows, the projects and activities have varied and evolved with the changing times. The Christmas Charity Ball was the social event of the year in Tuolumne County for many years. In later times, the annual Omega Nu Rummage Sale was a very popular and worthwhile event.
Alpha Iota currently has 16 active members and 11 Active Alumni who meet once or twice a month in members’ homes, September through May. The chapter has postponed hosting large, indoor, group events at this time and during the 2020–2022 years we held a Capital Fundraising letter writing campaign, Pie Sales and Hand painted card sales. For the first time, in the fall of 2022, we are hosting an outdoor Art Auction. With the proceeds from these events, we continue to fund scholarships to the county’s four local high schools and one Community College. We provide clothing as Christmas gifts every year to many elementary school children and provide year round assistance to individuals and families who apply to us through local organizations and schools. In addition, annually, Alpha Iota makes donations to various local organizations whose mission aligns with ours of helping women and children in need in Tuolumne County.