Watsonville, CA
The Watsonville Chapter of Omega Nu – Alpha Theta is a small group of women who raise money for women and youth in our community. This group of women spends countless hours organizing dine out fundraisers, putting on Bunco events, and other various opportunities to bring in money. We provide all necessary equipment and supplies to fully support and operate the Safe and Sane room at Watsonville Community Hospital and the Watsonville Police Department. We award three scholarships to the local high schools to students who have maintained high academic achievement during high school and plan to attend a four-year university. We select young women dedicated to empowering themselves and serving their community. In addition, we enjoy donating to various local programs supporting our youth and struggling families. This includes programs such as Food What?! and Fist Bumps, adopting families during the holidays and we support our local high schools by providing basic necessities for students experiencing trauma and homelessness. We are a steadily growing chapter who enjoy each other’s company and work hard to make events, meetings and getaways fun for all.