Oroville, CA
Established on February 26, 1926, Oroville Chapter of Omega Nu, Alpha Beta, is dedicated to community service and has a long history of accomplishments. In the earlier years our main fundraiser was the “Crystal Ball,” an elegant evening Black Tie Affair with a live 10-piece orchestra and Ballroom dancing. As times have changed, fundraisers have changed, but not our drive to give!
Today we have two fun Bunco fundraisers: Bunco Bling around Valentine’s Day and Masquerade Bunco around Halloween where we often have a sold out crowd.
Our events change year by year to suit these ever-changing times. We’ve put on Murder Mystery dinner shows, Treasure Hunts involving our historic downtown stores, Big Three Raffle, Bake Sales, and more. Our biggest fundraising efforts are driven toward our Fundraising Flowers. Garden art made from vintage dishes on copper stems. We sell our Fundraising Flowers at local festivals, another beautiful way we share our Omega Nu Message to our community.
We contribute our proceeds towards the following: AAUW Tech Trek (Math and Science Camp); Children’s Protective Services; Oroville Rescue Mission; Oroville SPCA; Red Ribbon Week (Drug Prevention); STAGE (State Theater Restoration); All About Children and Ehmann Home. Our Scholarships are given each year for local graduating seniors to help further their education. Several years ago, the Chapel at the Oroville Hospital was refurbished by Alpha Beta and an Omega Nu Garden was established at the hospital in memory of our deceased Sisters.
We stay connected by a Sister Facebook page for active members and email. The Treasurer and Secretary post their reports on these pages prior to our meetings. Our Inactive Committee makes sure Inactive Sisters wishing to stay updated are sent information on fundraisers and other activities and are invited to several yearly functions. We continue to grow our Sisterhood by bringing in new members each year.
We are proud to have had the following ladies represent our chapter as Grand President: Laura Dahlman, Charlotte Rutherford, Dorothy Harlan, Elizabeth Dahlmeier, Lucille Roberts, Cay Floyd, Kathy Smith, and Debbie Moore.
We are Sorority Sisters, great friends, and enthusiastic supporters of our wonderful City of Gold, Oroville.