Santa Cruz, CA
Sigma Alpha of Omega Nu was established on April 2, 1903 with just 6 charter members. Throughout the years our Chapter evolved from a High School Sorority at Santa Cruz High School to a community based fraternal organization with a membership of over 40 volunteers who work to make a contribution to the lives of many within Santa Cruz County.
Sigma Alpha has been involved in the charitable needs of our community since our first grant following the 1906 earthquake. Since then we have given to numerous individuals, families and local organizations in need. Our very popular Funds for Fundamentals program targets the needs for classrooms and teachers. Through this program we have supported local education by providing grants to elementary and middle schools in the county since 1994.
We grant scholarships to graduates from local public high schools and community colleges who will be attending a California State College, University or Trade School. Since 1957 we have provided scholarships to over 1000 local students pursuing their educational dreams. Our Endowment Fund first established in 1991 has been instrumental in helping these dreams become a reality for so many youth In our community.
The 4th Saturday in April is the date for our annual Ducky Derby event. This carnival held at Harvey West Park in Santa Cruz offers a day of family fun, games, food, and most importantly
Rubber Ducky Races! Our local community continues to support this event with sponsorships, by donating fabulous prizes or adopting our racing ducks in the hopes of becoming one of the Lucky Duck race prize winners!
Throughout the years there have been many changes in our organization, but the original tie that binds us all together is the same – a sisterhood of strong women committed to supporting each other and the community that we live in.